The Power of Inclusivity Blog
Our evergreen articles on body diversity are the key to unlocking your brand's potential in the plus-size market. Dive into our resources and build inclusive campaigns that drive results.
Did Ilona Maher just save body positivity?
At a crucial time for body positivity, Maher and the Olympics have made a significant impact. Amid discussions about body positivity, the effects of Ozempic, and whether these effects are undermining the entire movement, Maher stands out as a beacon of hope.

Inclusive Education in Company Culture
Catalyzing Change: Why brands need to embrace body diversity from within. Understanding and embracing body diversity isn't merely about external messaging or fulfilling corporate social responsibility obligations; it starts from within the organization.

Plus Size Terminology
Size-Inclusive conversation is still a relatively new concept when we consider that until recent years, society’s beauty standards predominantly revolved around a narrow range of body types. It is understandable that terms, words and descriptors are still easily misunderstood. These are some words, terminology and labels that are commonly used to discuss the inner workings of the plus-size community as a whole.

Key Qualities from the Plus-Size Community for Brands to Implement:
When envisioning fashion and its underlying connotations, terms like “exclusive” or “aspirational” often come to mind. However, the plus-size community is trailblazing a new narrative–one that fosters inclusivity and empowerment. They are carving out a safe space where people can unabashedly be themselves and proudly occupy space in an industry that has, for too long, marginalized them. As society becomes a more inclusive world these are some of the qualities that the plus size community has built their community on and something that we can all embrace for a better future.

Shopping While Plus Size
Plus-size women have all received this well meaning advice from their smaller friends. But for women above a size 12, there’s an invisible labor that goes into putting together outfits that the fashion world would deem stylish. We can’t just pop into a Nordstrom or Zara and buy off the rack. We have to hunt down pieces online, spend extra money for shipping, and carefully study measurements to find things our friends can buy with ease. Shopping is easy and fun when you’re thin, but for those of us above a size 12, it's a whole different experience. It is time for brands to confront the harsh reality faced by plus-size shoppers–a frustrating experience that damages self-esteem and hinders the establishment of lasting brand relationships. By neglecting to offer bigger sizes in stores, brands not only hurt their customers but also undermine their own growth potential.

Be Bold. Be You. Be Fluffi.
Ready to be embraced by the plus-size community, and get your share in this growing market segment?